General Inquiry
Learn how to receive assistance on any general question you may have.
The General Inquiry request is designed to provide you with assistance on any question you may have.
You may also use this request if you are not sure which service is appropriate for your needs. We will review the information you provide here and get back to you with proper assistance or direct you to the correct option.
You are not required to have a company enrolled on CSP to submit a general inquiry.
How to Start
You can start the General Inquiry service request at any time from the New Request page.
Learn more about how to Start a New Service Request.
If your questions are related to a company enrolled on CSP, select it from the list.
Step-by-step Instructions
Initial Inquiry Step
On the Initial Inquiry step, you can describe your needs and any questions that you may have.
The Service Request Form shows the following sections.
The Instructions section will provide you with guidance on what is required from you at each step of the service request.
Your Request
Describe your request or your questions in this section. The staff member will review and respond to your request accordingly.
Company Information
If you selected a company when you started the service request, this section would show the basic details of your company. If your request is related to a company not enrolled on CSP, you may provide the company information in this section.
Submit Inquiry
Once you have described your needs and verified your contact information, you can submit the service request by clicking on the SUBMIT button in the Submit Inquiry section or clicking on the SUBMIT button on the toolbar.
If you are not ready to submit your request, you can save your work and come back to finish it later.
Review Inquiry Step
After you submit the request, the staff member will review the information you provided. The staff member will answer your questions (or provide additional instructions) in the Messages section. Learn more about how to communicate with the staff member in CSP. If the staff member requires any clarifications, the request will be assigned to you. You will be notified by email when the request is assigned back to you.
You can also monitor progress of the Request from your dashboard.
Review Reply Step
Once the staff member has responded to your inquiry, the request will move to the Review Reply step and will be assigned to you. The service request form will contain all sections from the previous step.
If needed, the following additional sections will be shown:
Staff Attachments
The staff member may attach documents for your reference, or examples of documents that you need to provide. These files will be displayed in the Staff Attachments section. To view the document in your browser, simply click on its name. To download the document attached, click on the line item with the document. The Staff Attachment pop-up will be displayed. Click on the cloud icon with an arrow pointed downwards to download the document on your computer.
Client Attachments
The Client Attachments section will be displayed if the staff member has asked you to attach any document(s). Review the instructions from the staff member in the Messages section.
Click the ADD button to attach a document.
Read more about how to Upload and Download Documents.
Billing Details
In this section, provide the Bill To and the Billing Address information. It will be used for the Invoice, which will be generated on the payment step.
If you are using the General Inquiry service request for a company that is already enrolled on CSP, the billing details section will be automatically populated with your company name and its registered address.
Service Fees
If your inquiry turns into a billable engagement, the staff member will communicate the applicable charges in the Service Fees Section. This section will display a breakdown of all the applicable charges for the services you are requesting.
After submitting the request, a staff member will review the information you provided or provide additional instructions and send the request back to you. This exchange of messages and documents can continue until you have received answers to all your questions.
If all your questions have been answered, the staff member will mark the service request as Complete. Completed service requests are shown in the Completed Requests section.
If your inquiry turns into a billable engagement, the staff member will assign the request to you for payment. The service request will be moved to Confirm and Pay step.
Confirm and Pay Step
You can preview generated invoice in the Service Fees section or by clicking on the Shopping Cart in the top right corner.
If you have any questions or require any clarifications about the charges, enter them in the pop-up. The staff member will review your comments and respond promptly.
If you are ready to proceed with the payment, click the MAKE PAYMENT button.
If you need help with making the payment, read the article on how the Make Payment Step works.
Service Delivery in Progress Step
After your payment is confirmed, the staff member will process your request.
If additional information is required, the staff member will assign the request to you. The request will move to Provide Additional Information step.
Check the icon to review any comments from the staff member.
Additional payment may be required if the scope of work changes. If this happens, the staff member will communicate the new charges, and upon your approval, assign the request to you for payment. The request will move to Confirm and Pay step.
When the staff member has provided all the services requested, the service request will be assigned to you for acknowledgment. The request will move to Acknowledge Service Delivery step.
Acknowledge Service Delivery Step
The services you requested have been delivered and this request is now ready to be closed.
You may download any attached documents for your reference.
If you have any questions, use the icon to communicate with the staff member.
If you are satisfied with the services rendered, click the COMPLETED button. If no action is taken, this request will automatically be marked as completed in 5 days. Completed service requests are shown in the Completed Requests section.
Updated over 3 years ago