Perform Post Enrollment Tasks

Learn more about the Perform Post Enrollment Tasks Service Request

Perform Post Enrollment Tasks is designed to collect your preferences, and configure your account for the services that your company is subscribed to. Additionally, this service request enables you to request other services that you may need to manage your new company.

How to Start

This service request is launched automatically once your new Singapore company is successfully incorporated.

The service request will be displayed in Active Service Requests section on your dashboard, and will be assigned to you at the Provide Preferences step.


There is no charge for this request. However, additional services that you select may be chargeable.

Step-by-step Instructions

Provide Preferences Step

On this step, you will choose your preferences for the services you are subscribed to and choose any additional services you may need.


The Instructions section will provide you with guidance on what is required from you at each step of the service request.


Company Profile

For your reference, your Singapore's company name and its ACRA Business Profile are displayed in this section. You can download your ACRA Business Profile by clicking on the alt text icon.



To view the full company profile and all associated documents for all your companies that are enrolled on CSP, select the My Companies link in the left navigation menu.

Mail Handling Instructions

This section will be displayed if your company is subscribed to our Annual Registered Address service.

In this section, you will be set your preferences on how you would like us to handle incoming mail for your company.


In the Mail Notification Preference field, choose how you would like to be notified of incoming mail. For a small additional fee, we can scan and email you the mail that we receive for your company.

In the Mail Forwarding Preference field, choose how you would like us to handle incoming mail. If you would like us to forward the mail to you, please provide a forwarding address.


Next, provide the contact information about your company's mail handling contact.

Bank Account Opening

Select Yes if you require our assistance with opening a bank account for your Singapore company. If you require our assistance, an Open a Corporate Bank Account service request will be automatically launched by the system.



Read more about Open a Corporate Bank Account service request.

Accounting Services

We offer a full range of accounting services, including Payroll, Bookkeeping, Corporate Tax Filing, GST Registration, and GST Filing. Select Yes if you would like us to follow up with you regarding any of our accounting services.

If you have asked us to follow up regarding our accounting services, an Accounting Services Inquiry service request will be automatically launched by the system.



Read more about Accounting Services Inquiry service request.

Business Licenses

Select Yes if you require our assistance with obtaining a license from any of the regulatory authorities.

If you require our assistance, an Apply for a Business License service request will be automatically launched by the system.



Read more about Apply for a Business License service request.


This section enables you to communicate with our staff during the service request. You can use this section to ask questions, make comments, and request clarifications. Responses from our staff member will also be displayed in this section. The entire communication between you and the staff member will be visible at every step.


Next Steps

We will configure your account based on your preferences.

If the staff member has any questions, the request will be sent back to you. Check the Messages section to review any comments from the staff member.

We will follow up with you regarding each of the services you are interested in.