Services Available in CSP

To start any of the services available on CSP, visit the New Request Page on CSP or learn about how to Start a New Service Request. Some of the services available on CSP can be grouped into the following categories:

Not sure where to start?

  • General Inquiry - use this option if you are not sure which service you need to initiate or if you have a general inquiry. We will review your needs and follow up with appropriate assistance.

Company Administration Services

  • Incorporate a New Company - use this option to incorporate a new Private Limited Company in Singapore.
  • Transfer Existing Company - use this option if you wish to transfer the administration of your existing Singapore Private Limited Company to our platform.
  • Open a Corporate Bank Account - use this option to open a new bank account for your Singapore company. The company must be enrolled on our platform in order to request this service.
  • Increase Share Capital - use this option to allot new shares for your Singapore company. The company must be enrolled on our platform in order to request this service.
  • Transfer Shares - use this option if you wish to transfer shares of your company to an existing or new shareholder.
  • Add or Resign Auditor - use this option to add or resign an Auditor for your Singapore company.
  • Add or Resign Directors - use this option to add or resign Director(s) for your Singapore company.
  • Apply for a Business License - use this option if your company requires a business license from a Singapore regulatory authority.
  • Remove Directors - use this option to notify us of removal of Director(s) for your Singapore company.
  • Apply for CorpPass - use this option to request a CorpPass account for your company's officer. CorpPass is the only login method for online corporate transactions with more than 140 government digital services.
  • Update Personal Details - use this option if you wish to change the personal details of any person associated with your Singapore company, such as Director, Officer, Shareholder or UBO.
  • Update Corporate Entity Details - Use this option if you wish to change information on any corporate entity associated with your Singapore company, such as Corporate Shareholder.
  • Update Mail Handling Instructions - use this option if you wish to change how we handle the incoming mail for your Singapore company.
  • Change Company's Business Activity - use this option to change the business activities of your Singapore company.
  • Change Company Name - use this option to change the name of your Singapore company.
  • Change of Corporate Representative - use this option to change or remove a Corporate Representative(s) for a Corporate Shareholder.
  • Change FYE Date - use this option to change the Financial Year-End (FYE) date for your Singapore company.
  • Change of Registered Address - use this option to change the Registered Address of your Singapore company.
  • Other Company Administration Service - use this option if the Company administration-related service you require is not listed in any of the other options.
  • Request Share Certificates - use this option to request shipment of share certificate(s) of your Singapore company.
  • Upload Monthly Bank Statements - use this option if you wish to request a client to upload their Bank Statements for a selected month, or to subscribe a client to this service request on a monthly basis.
  • Company Strike Off - use this option to strike off a company enrolled in CSP.

Immigration Services

Accounting Services

  • Accounting Services Inquiry - use this option if you wish to enroll in our Accounting services.
  • Initiate Annual Return Filing - use this option to start the Annual Return (AR) filing process for your Singapore company.
  • Update Accounting Service Subscription - use this option to make changes to any settings of Accounting services for your company.