Pay for Miscellaneous Charges

Learn how to manage and pay all outstanding payments of your company.

Use the Pay for Miscellaneous Charges service request to pay for all outstanding items of your company.


What are Miscellaneous Charges?

Miscellaneous charges are small charges which might be generated by the Record Mail Receipt and Record Mail Forwarding service requests as mail scanning and forwarding fees, or manually created by our Service Team as minor, ad-hoc charges.


Why I don't pay them immediately?

As the amounts of charges are small, it is most convenient to pay them all together at once. The Pay for Miscellaneous Charges service request collects all such charges and requests payment only when the total amount is substantial enough.

This workflow is done through the following steps:

  • Staff reviews and configures the outstanding items for the company, if necessary.
  • ...and requests the payment from you.

There is no additional fee for using this workflow.

How to Start


The service request is launched every quarter for each company on the same date starting from the date of company incorporation on CSP (upon completion of the Incorporate a New Company workflow).

The service request will be launched upon completion of the Record Mail Forwarding and the Record Mail Receipt service requests, if the total amount of outstanding payments for the company reaches the immediate action amount, or an amount that is previously set by your Service Team and that is substantial enough to be covered with one payment.

The service request will be launched upon the launch of the Transfer Company Out service request to collect all outstanding payments of the company, irrespective of the total amount of the outstanding payments.

Additionally, the request is launched automatically, whenever the Immediate Action Amount is reached. In such a case, payment will be requested automatically.


The Pay for Miscellaneous Charges service request can be launched at any time from the New Request page by your Service Team.


Read more on how to Start a New Service Request.

Step-by-step Instructions

Review Misc Charges (staff)

On this step, a staff user reviews and configures if needed any outstanding payments of the company in the shopping cart.

Make Payment (client)

You will be assigned with a standard Make Payment step after staff is done with configuring outstanding payments. The sections, displayed to the client, are Service Fees and Billing Details. The client will also receive the standard Payment Notification email. After the payment is done, the service request will be automatically closed.


Learn more on how to Make a Payment