Change Your Profile Information
How to access and edit your user profile on CSP
Your user profile on CSP stores basic information about you, such as your name, contact information, photo, and personal settings. CSP uses this information to drive some of its features. Therefore, you should make sure that this information is accurate.
You must have an account on CSP in order to manage your profile
To view your profile, you must have a CSP account. If you don't have one yet, go to Creating a CSP Account for more information on how to get one.
Accessing Your Profile
You can access your profile in two ways.
From the Left Navigation
- Click on My Profile in the left navigation menu.
- You will land on your user profile page.
By Clicking Thumbnail of Your Photo
- You can click on your photo thumbnail at the top right corner of the CSP user interface. If you do not have your user photo uploaded yet, you can always upload it to your profile in a few clicks.
- You will be redirected to your profile page, as shown below.
Click on the screenshot shown above to expand it
Note that all images in the CSP Help Center documentation can be expanded by clicking on the image. This can be helpful if the image is shrunk from its original size and is not readable without expanding.
Changing Profile Information
Your profile contains information about you. Some of the fields here may be automatically filled out based on the information you provided while registering on CSP. You can complete any missing information or change the current information as described below.
Profile Photo
If you signed up for CSP using your Google Account, your profile photo from your Google Account will be automatically retrieved and uploaded here. If you signed up using an email and password, this photo will be empty.
Remove Photo
To remove an existing photo, click on the "x" in the upper right corner of your photo. The photo will be removed from your profile.
Upload New Photo
To upload a new photo for your profile you can either drag and drop the new photo on the circle where the photo is to be shown or click "browse" in this circle and then select the photo to upload.
Photo suggestions
Your photo file should be less than 1 MB in size. For best results, the photo should have a square shape.
You can change your name at any time. This name will be used within CSP. To change your name, click the icon. In the opened window enter a new name and click the 'UPDATE' button.
The email field will show the email address that you used while creating your CSP account. You can change your email address at any time by clicking the icon on the 'Email Address' line, in the opened window, enter a new email address and click the 'UPDATE' button.
You will receive the following email from the CSP system (see photo above). Make sure to click on the 'confirm new login id' link to confirm the new email address.
To change the password for your CSP Account, click the icon. In the opened window enter your Current Password and the New Password. Click the 'UPDATE' button.
Provide your current address. This address will be used in various legal documents as your mailing address. To enter or change the address, click the icon. In the opened window use either Google Address search or enter the address manually.
We need your latest contact information
Please, keep your user information complete and up to date to reach you when it is required. This will help us deliver timely and accurate service to you.
Phone Numbers
Provide the phone number(s) where we can contact you when necessary. To add the phone number:
- In the ‘Phone Numbers' section click on the ‘+ Add Phone Number’ button.
- In the opened ‘Add Phone Number’ pop-up enter the phone number you want to add and click the ‘VERIFY’ button.
- The system will send you a text message with a 4-digit verification code on the provided number. You will need to enter this code and click on the ‘VERIFY’ button.
After this, your phone number will be displayed in the ‘Phone Numbers’ section with a ‘Verified’ text next to it. If you wish to add a second phone number, repeat steps 1-3 above.
Two-Factor Setup
The Two-Factor Authentication will use your verified email and verified phone number(s) to send a One-Time Password (OTP) in order to protect your account with an extra layer of security. It’s important to add and verify your mobile number to [activate the Two-Factor Authentication] (
Backup Users
If you would like the additional recipients to be notified when you receive System Task Assignment notifications and/or the Key Events notifications, you can add their email addresses to the 'Backup Users' list by clicking the icon.
In the opened window you will need to enter the recipient's email (if you have multiple recipients, use a comma to separate each email) and select if 'all Task Assignment' notifications and/or 'all Key Events' notifications should be sent. Click 'Save' to confirm changes.
This feature is still in development
At the moment, the Backup Users functionality only forward system messages to the list of users provided here (e.g. notification sent when the request is assigned to you, payment is requested, etc.). However, any messages from staff will not be forwarded to the backup users.
Currently, we are improving this feature and we will notify you as soon as it is released.
Custom Preferences
Setting 'Show the 'Getting Started" block on Dashboard' toggle in this subsection to 'on' will display the "Getting Started" widget on the 'Dashboard' page (see pic below).
Updated about 3 years ago