Payments, Invoices, Account Balance

Learn how you make and track payments for the services you use on CSP

This section provides a brief overview of how you make and track payments for the paid services that you use on CSP.

  1. Each company that is enrolled on CSP has a Payment Account associated with it; you add funds to this account and make payment for services for that company from it.
  2. To pay your outstanding payments, you can add funds by credit card, bank check or bank transfer. You can also add funds to your account for future use; such funds can be added only using a credit card.
  3. You can review the current balance and past transaction history for any of your Payment Accounts at any time on CSP.

You perform all of the above actions from the My Payments page.


A Payment Account is tied to a single Company

Note that a Payment Account is tied to a single company. If you are managing more than one company on CSP, each of them will be associated with its own Payment Account. CSP is designed in this manner to comply with Tax and Accounting rules and to ensure that funds are not co-mingled between different legal entities.


Accessing My Payments Page

You can access the My Payments page through any of the following steps:

  1. By clicking on My Payments in the left navigation menu.

  2. By clicking on the Payments Due widget on the Dashboard.

  3. By clicking MAKE PAYMENT button inside a service request form. This button will appear when you are required to make a payment for a service request.

  4. By clicking LOGIN in an email notification about your payment due.


Billing Address for Payments

By default, the address of your company will be used as the billing address for creating an Invoice.
If you need to change the billing address for your company, you can contact a Staff member.

Understanding My Payments Page

The My Payments page for a company will look as follows.


The information displayed on this page and the actions you can take here are as follows:

1. Select the Company

If you have more than one company registered on CSP, select the company whose payments you want to manage; see alt text above. Click on an arrow to see a dropdown list of your companies. After you select, the payment information on the My Payments page will be displayed for your selected company.


No dropdown if you have only one company

The "Select company" drop-down will automatically select the company if you have only one company enrolled on the platform, and you will not see a list in the drop-down.

2. Current Balance

Check here your current unused balance for a selected company; see alt text. It is the amount of money in Singapore dollars, which you paid to the CSP and have not yet used for any services.

3. Service Requests Waiting for Payment

This tab displays a list of the payments due associated with your selected company. Seealt text. You must pay them to proceed with your services. Read more about how to pay from a service request form.

3.1 Select or Unselect Service Request

With the checkbox next to a Service Request, you can select any number of requests you wish to pay for in one time; see alt text. After a successful receipt of your payment, we will immediately proceed with the selected requests.

3.2 Service Fee

This column shows the total pre-tax amount due for each service request, including all the additional services; see alt text. To view them, click on the amount of a service fee for a specific service request. The fees are in Singapore dollars. You can always request clarifications on any of the service fees listed here. To do that, go to the corresponding service request form, and use the chat icon at the bottom right corner of your screen to send any questions you have to our team.

4. Totals Area

Here you will see the total amount due for the service requests you selected above; see alt text. Total is the total sum of the amount for selected services and the tax implied. It is the actual and the final amount for you to pay.

To change your billing address click on the 'Edit Billing Info' button, see alt text.

5. Pay Now

If you are ready to proceed with payment, click PAY NOW, see alt text. A popup will appear with a selection of methods, how you can pay on CSP:

You will be paying the Total amount for the services selected above, associated with a company you have registered on CSP. To pay for your other company, you will have to make a separate payment.

6. Transaction History

This tab will display the entire transaction history of your Payment Account; see alt text.

7. Contact Us

If you wish to contact us directly, click Contact Us button, see alt text to receive our contact info. Read more about all the ways to receive help on CSP.