Increase Share Capital

Learn how to increase your share capital on CSP

Use the Increase Share Capital service request when you want to raise capital and issue new shares for your Singapore company. The company must be enrolled on our platform in order to request this service.

For this request, you will be asked to:

  • Provide details on the amount of new share capital injected into the company, allotment of new shares, and identification information of any new shareholders
  • Make a payment for the service
  • Sign the necessary documents

The fee for this service request is listed on the CSP Dashboard under the Prices link in the left navigation menu.


Learn more about Pricing of Services on CSP.

Initiating the service request

You can start the Increase Share Capital service request at any time from the New Request page.

Read more about how to Start a New Service Request.



We can start the service request for you

When it is necessary or upon your request, a staff may launch any service request on your behalf. The request will appear in the list of your Active Service Requests.

Step-by-step Instructions

Initial Inquiry

In this step, you will be asked to provide information about the new share capital injected into the company and the allotment of the new shares that are issued.

If you are not ready to provide all the details, you can SAVE the information you have entered and come back to complete it at a later time.

When you are done, click the SUBMIT button. This will send the request to the staff member for review.


The Instructions section will provide you with guidance on what is required from you at each step of the service request.


Company Profile

For your reference, your Company Name, UEN, ACRA Business Profile, Company Constitution, Statutory Statutory Registers, and CDD Classification are displayed in this section.

You can download your ACRA Business Profile and other documents by clicking on the alt text icon near appropriate document.



To view the full company profile and all associated documents for all your companies that are enrolled on CSP, select the My Companies link in the left navigation menu.

New Share Capital

Provide information about the new share capital in the New Share Capital section. Click the ADD button to enter the details of the new share capital injected into the company.



Indicate new share capital only

In this service request, indicate the details of the new capital that is being injected into the company. For your reference, the existing share capital for your company is listed in your Company Profile.

Add New Share Capital window will open as shown below.


Enter the currency and the amount of new share capital injected, and the type of shares issued. Upload the bank statement showing the deposit of the new share capital into the company's bank account.

Allotment of New Shares

In the Allotment of New Shares section, describe how the new shares are being allotted.

First, enter information about all the shareholders to whom the shares are allotted as part of this transaction.


Click the ADD button. The Add Shareholders who Receive New Shares window will open as shown below.


The Name field includes the list of all existing persons associated with your company.
New persons can be added to the company by clicking the Add Person option in the Name field. Alternatively, new persons can be added in the New Persons section.


Select a person from the list and answer the question "Is this person acting as a Nominee Shareholder for someone else?". Select "Yes" if this person is acting as a Nominee Shareholder. Otherwise, select "No".


How to define a Nominee Shareholder?

A shareholder is a nominee if the shareholder:

  • is the registered holder of the shares, in accordance with the directions or instructions or wishes of any other person, also called a Nominator; and
  • votes and receives dividends on behalf of any other person, e.g. Nominator.

If the selected person is acting as a Nominee Shareholder provide the Nominator details. An example is shown below.


Answer the question "Is the Nominator acting as a company director, shareholder, or other officer?" as "Yes" in order to select a Nominator from the list of persons associated with the company or "No" to input the Nominator details manually as shown below.


Answer the question "Is this person acting as a Nominee Shareholder for more than one Nominator?" as "Yes" to enter additional Nominator details for the Nominee Shareholder if applicable. Otherwise, select "No".


Agree to notify the CSP Service Delivery team if there are any updates to the particulars of nominator or/and there are any changes in nominee shareholder status within 14 days after the change by ticking the appropriate checkbox as shown below.


Save the information about the shareholder by clicking the SAVE button.

Next, select the amount of shares to be allotted to the shareholders who receive new shares.


Click the ADD button. The Add New Share Allotment window will open as shown below.


The Shareholder Name field includes the list of all shareholders added to the Shareholders who Receive New Shares table. Select the shareholder and enter the number of shares allocated to the shareholder. Enter the price per share paid by the shareholder. The Amount Paid field will be automatically calculated based on the information provided.

If you are allotting shares to a new shareholder that has not previously been added to the Shareholders who Receive New Shares table, select the Add Shareholder option in the Shareholder Name field.
The Add New Shareholders who Receive New Shares window will open.


The newly added shareholders will appear in the Shareholders who Receive New Shares table.

New Persons

The Persons table contains information about all new persons added to the company as part of this service request.


To add new persons to the company click the ADD button. The Add New Persons window will open as shown below.


Provide information about the new individual or company which you would like to add to the company. You are not required to provide all the information in this window at once. However, you will be required to provide all the information before we can process the request. Click the SAVE button to save the information you have entered.

Edit information

To edit information about a shareholder who receives new shares, select the appropriate row in the Shareholders who Receive New Shares table and click the EDIT button.


To edit the information about the new share allotment, select the appropriate row in the Share Allotment table and click the EDIT button.


To edit information about a new person, select the appropriate row in the Persons table and click the EDIT button.



If you have any questions about this service request, please enter them here. The staff member will review and respond to your questions.

Billing Details

For your reference, this section displays the billing information of your company.

Bill To field will be populated with the name of your company. The Billing Address shows the company registered address.

Read more about billing information here.


Service Fees

The Service Fees section will show a breakdown of all the applicable charges for the services you are requesting.



Fees shown in the figure above are for illustration.

The fees shown above are for illustration purposes only and do not reflect the actual fees that may be applicable in your case. To learn more about the fees for various services available on CSP, please read the article on Pricing of Services.

Use the CHECK FOR COMPLETENESS button to make sure that you have provided all the information that is required to process your request.


The system will show you the list of missing information, if any.


Review Request

After you submit the request, the staff member will review the information you provided. The staff member will answer your questions (or provide additional instructions) in the Messages section. Learn more about how to communicate with the staff member in CSP. If the staff member requires any clarifications, the request will be assigned to you. You will be notified by email when the request is assigned back to you.

You can also monitor progress of the Request from your dashboard.

Once all the necessary information has been received the request will be assigned to you and moved to the Make Payment step.

Make Payment

If you have any questions or require any clarifications about the charges, enter them in the Messages section, and click the REQUEST CLARIFICATION button.

A Proforma invoice for this service request is shown in the Services and Payments window. Click on the view invoice button to open it. After the payment is complete the invoice will be listed in the Paid Invoices section, after clicking the View invoice button the invoice can be downloaded by clicking the download icon to the right of the document.


If you are ready to proceed with the payment, click the MAKE PAYMENT button. It will take you to the My Payments page.


If you need help with making the payment, read the article on how the Make Payment Step works.

KYC Check

On this step, the staff member performs a Know-Your-Client check for any new shareholders. If additional information is required from you on this step, the request will be assigned to you at the KYC Clarifications step.

Once the KYC Check is completed, the request will move to the Prepare Documents for Signatures step.

Prepare Documents for Signatures

The system will generate all the documents that need to be signed. The staff member will review the documents for accuracy. After the review, the staff member will send the service request to you to sign the documents.

Sign Documents

On this step, all signatories will be requested to electronically sign the documents. If shares have been allotted to persons who were not previously associated with the company, the new signatories will also need to verify their identities.


Learn more about how to Verify Identity of Signatories and to Sign Documents Electronically to complete this step.

The request will automatically move to the next step after all signatories have verified their identities and electronically signed the documents.

Review Signed Documents

The staff member will review the signed documents for accuracy.

If the staff member requires additional information, the request will be assigned to you at the Sign Documents step.

Update ACRA

The staff member updates your company record in ACRA with the new share capital and share allotment information, and retrieves the updated ACRA Business Profile.

Close Workflow

The services you requested have been delivered and this request is now ready to be closed. The staff makes the final information verification of the entire workflow.

The completed service requests will be shown in the Completed Requests section.

Service Complete

The service is complete and is ready to be closed. You can review the completed service request.

If you are satisfied with the services rendered, click the COMPLETED button. If no action is taken, this request will automatically be marked as completed in 5 days. Completed service requests are shown in the Completed Requests section.